151 south street beaconsfield, fremantle, western australia,
PH (08) 9335 9339

​Ashram Library

Within the elegant and welcoming library of the Sivananda Ashram Beacon Yoga Centre are thousands of books available to be borrowed by Members. Topics covered are diverse and fascinating, especially for any aspirant on the spiritual path. The Ashram also hosts presentations and discussion groups in the Library.
Our Library is open for business after much dedication and love. There are some wonderfully enriching books that simply are just not available anywhere else, and we would love to share them with you.
Included are the works of many revered teachers both past and present. As one would expect from a Sivananda lineage Ashram the teachings of Swami Sivananda, and our founder Swami Venkatesananda form the nucleus of the vast collection of books available for selection. One may also find words of wisdom from Swamis Muktananda, Krishnamurti, Satyananda, Chidananda, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi – and many others.
Additionally, there are comprehensive sections on Indian Philosophy, Philosophy and Psychology, Health, Integral Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Mysticism, Chants and Poetry, Religions around the world – to name just a few.
The library also houses many rare and treasured volumes in our reference section, for the use of residents and members within the library or the Ashram gardens.
The library has been enriched over the years by inheritances from private collections of past members, and the alert reader will occasionally open a book to find the signature of one who is legend among yoga devotees in Western Australia. These are lovely moments.
Borrowing/Returns: Library open times are the same as the Ashram office hours Monday to Friday - 9am to 3pm. Please register all book loans and returns at the office.
Borrowing Period: Four weeks.
If you have any Library books at home with the printed notice, on the inside cover, “Integral Yoga Association of WA (Inc). South Fremantle 6162, W.A.” Please return to the Library. Some may be 30 years overdue. That is ok, no fines apply.
Come along to enjoy the wisdom on offer.
TO BECOME A LIBRARY MEMBER, you first need to be a Member of Sivananda Ashram Beacon Yoga Centre.
Once you are a member please provide* the following:
In person: fill in the sheet, Headed (MEMBERS…) on the trolley at the library entrance or Email/phone: the Beacon office, 9335 9339
Staff will register your email address with Librarika, and your other details on our internal system. You will receive an email from Librarika (the company we have our library catalogue system with). We are known as “iyalibrarika”.
Check your junk mail, as it seems some people’s filters block Librarika’s emails.
Click on the link they provide in your email.
You will be asked to provide your email address (same one you provided in 1 above), and a password you will use to access iyalibrarika in the future. (This password is known only to you and Librarika. We have no access to that and are unable to reset it. Libraika will do that if/when required)
You now have access to the complete catalogue from wherever you have internet access.
Use the catalogue to find the shelf location of the book you would like to borrow.
Click on the book’s entry in the catalogue. Shelf location is under Category e.g. Spiritual Teachers; Religion; Hatha Yoga; Indian Philosophy etc.
Alternatively, come in and browse to find a book/s to borrow.
Once you have located your book/s
i) Fill in the details on the page for this on the trolley at the entrance.
ii) Please include acc.no. (accession number), written in by our cataloguer, on the front page. (Will make life much easier for ‘library staff’ to enter your borrowings; to mark them returned on the catalogue; and to re shelve them for the next borrower.
Once we have the trained volunteers necessary, we will have library staff on hand, at advertised times, to assist with all of this.
At this stage there is no provision for requests to be made (i.e for books to be held in your name). When our library volunteer staff increases sufficiently, we can look at the possibility of either a manual system, or if we are really well staffed, we can activate the on-line system for requests. At present, we cannot offer this, unfortunately.
If you would like to become a library staff volunteer, please let us know. The training is straightforward, and the rewards endless: direct access to, and familiarity with, all that amazing material.
Happy (and enlightening!) reading.