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monthly events


New Moon Yoga Nidra

6pm | Satsang Hall

$25 - includes Poke Bowl and Conversation

When we practice yoga Nidra we activate our parasympathetic nervous system for “ rest and digest” slowing our heart and breathing rates, lowering our blood pressure and promoting digestion. Encouraging a state of relaxation which fosters recovery. An antidote for our busy lives.


No experience required but practice is rewarding.


A new moon teaches

gradualness and deliberation

and how one gives birth

to oneself slowly



Please bring your own mats, pillows and blankets to ensure your comfort for the experience.


Please be in place on your mats by 5.50pm.

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Sivananda Satsang

Free Event  /  Donations Welcome

​Please be seated 5 mins prior to start​

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Full Moon Havan Ceremony

18 October          6pm

16 November      6pm

15 December      6pm

Facilitated by:

Chinmaya our Ashram Manager


Free Event  /  Donations Welcome

Ashram West Verandah


Please be seated 10 minutes prior to start


On each full moon a Havan will be conducted on the west verandah of Sivananda Ashram. In the Havan (Yajna) a fire is raised and participants offer oblations into the fire literally and symbolically to the accompaniment of Vedic chants.


All are welcome to participate in this meditative and greatly loved ritual​

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