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Nirtana Vivienne Robertson has been on the Sufi path for over 25 years. She is a representative, spiritual guide and retreat guide within the Inayatiyya lineage, which is a universalist Sufi tradition.

She is also a healing conductor, healing retreat guide and Sahabat as-Safa.

Nirtana is a mentor in the Dances of Universal Peace. She is a member of the Australian Inayatiyya Sufi message council and active within international forums.

Nirtana is also an artist, and creative director of the project Reclaim the Void. 

Dear friends on the way, 


I’m delighted to be sharing a weekend of Sufi practices on the inner light Aug 2-4 at the Beacon Ashram in Fremantle and am inviting you, and your friends, to consider joining the caravan of companions as we sojourn in the Sufi garden. 


In these times of turmoil – inner and outer – we can “take refuge” in practices used by mystics for many centuries, and in what they open us to, finding our ground in a deeper sense of the Real.  


We gather for retreat to give our souls time to turn away from the everyday and dwell in the timeless; to re-orient, refresh & attune; and to restore our spiritual core. We practice living the path that will ‘untie our knot’, freeing our spirit . 


Opening to more consciousness of our inner light, our core being, offers us protection and solidity, and bears fruit for our service to others. We are reminded of our essence, rather than living through stories and projections. We are more able to face turmoils and less likely to be overpowered by our surroundings. 


Sufism is a path of illumination. Working with light is healing work, and work of awakening. The practices are beautiful and powerful, and I look forward to sharing them with whoever feels called. Please pass this email through any networks you have where you feel people may be seeking a time of retreat to tend their inner worlds. This Sufi lineage, the Inayatiyya, is open to people of all religions and faiths, and none. 


Wherever you are, and whatever you do, may you find your light and be an instrument of the transfiguration of the world. 


Nirtana Vivienne 


“Each person has a path, a tariqa, that no-one else travels which comes to be through the travelling itself”. (Ibn ‘Arabi)

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About Frances Fuller (Anand Sangeet )


Craniosacral Therapist, Somatic Resourcing Therapist and Therapeutic Yoga Teacher. 

Delivering therapeutic classes for supporting all people around stress management, chronic conditions or reduction of symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD and trauma.


My primary goal as a practitioner and teacher is sharing tools for self empowerment, increased self-efficacy and an improved ability for neuro-sensory integration- the ability for the nervous system to receive and integrate life experiences.


A background in Human Services (Mental Health) and personal success using somatic protocols as self care tools whilst being treated for neurological issues and anxiety led me to train as a Somatic Therapist and be able to share these amazing tools.


In my experience, self-regulation and grounding in safety within your body in present moments are both paramount to living a happy, vital, calm life.


The science and technology of Kundalini Yoga Therapy works deeply with the angles and glands of the body and expansively with the nervous and sensory systems.


We can expand our awareness and change our internal state (and therefore our daily reality) by sitting with ourselves in a way that allows us to touch into the  ‘I Am’. This can facilitate more space in our nervous system in order to discover our true unbounded potential.


Therapeutic Yoga,  Somatic Resourcing Strategies and Self Empowerment Techniques can support us to calm the Autonomic Nervous System, increase resilience, stability, rhythmic strength and our ability to self-regulate.

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